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A gentle reminder to all of our members of some important BLCCA Rules that we should all be aware of and follow at all times.
  1. Dogs on Leads
    It is a requirement for dogs to be kept on leads at all times whilst on the rally field. When staked outside a unit, the dog lead should be no more than 10 feet long. (3.05m)
    Do not allow your dog to wonder around off the lead, irrespective of how well behaved you believe your dog is. We do not want to encounter any full blown dog fights, or, heaven forbid, anyone to be bitten by an out of control dog.
  2. Vehicle Speed on Site
    The maximum speed for all vehicles once you enter the rally field is 5MPH. For anyone who is unsure . . . this is no more than a fast walking pace.
    Children get excited and enjoy running around on our rallies, especially during these summer weekends. They are not looking out for moving vehicles and could easily run out from between caravans into the path of anyones vehicle. Are you sure you could stop?
  3. Learner Drivers
    Learner drivers are not allowed to drive vehicles on the rally field, this is for the safety of all. Vehicle driving standards must be maintained at all times.
  4. Flying of Drones
    Drones are not allowed to be flown from or over the rally field at any time.
  5. Ball Games
    Whilst we all like to see our children enjoying themselves out on rallies, please do not allow them to play football or other ball games around the caravans and motorhomes. Please move them to a more isolated area of the field to avoid the possibility of any potential damage.
  6. Waste Water
    Waste water containers must be used at all times and fully connected to your unit. “Soak Aways” are no longer allowed on BLCCA rallies.

Rally Update

Rally Cancellation

Yet again the committee have taken the hard decision to cancel: –

Monks Barn Farm Rally

28th-30th June 2024

Due to lack of support and site has asked for numbers, yet another BLCCA rally cancelled for low numbers.


Longbridge’s Rally Update
Cob House 21st – 23rd June 2024
Site has double booked so numbers are very limited, anyone wishing to book on please fill in the waiting list form and contact Collette directly.
Also, for anyone booked on this rally who are unable to attend now please contact Collette or Diane.
Longbridge’s Rally Update
Drum & Monkey – Blue Festival
Unfortunately, site has increased nightly site fee, so the rally will have a price increase.
New Price Weekend Fee is £24 (Friday & Saturday Night) and additional nights will be charged at £12 per night.
Anyone who is unable to attend please contact Collette or Diane.

Rally Update

Rallies with no Rally Marshals


Unfortunately, we have taken the very hard decision to cancel up and coming rallies which have no rally marshals to run them.

Rallies Cancelled

Evesham Rugby Club – 24th – 27th May – ‘Rally Cancelled’

Shiphay Farm – Holiday Rally – 10th – 26th August – ‘Rally Cancelled’

Now some Good news below.

We did have another rally which was very close to being cancelled but James & Kelly Blyde, have come forward to run their very first rally for our club, thanks you James & Kelly.

So please support them at Monks Barn Farm.


Longbridge CCC
Rally Update -Holding Stables. 26th-28th April
Sorry to all that have booked on this rally but site owner has just cancelled as the field is soft and the weather forecast for the weekend is for more rain, so site has cancelled this weekends rally.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Message from the BLCCA committee.
Rally Book Errors
The following errors in the 2024 have been identified to me by the constituent clubs.
Please ensure that your members are informed of them.
The errors in the chart at the end of the book are too many to address, and I suggest that members use the chart that has been adopted and circulated on the club’s Facebook pages, having been kindly generated by Longbridge CCC and accessible at:-
Page 12
MG Camping and Caravan Club: The first mobile number advised for Nikki Gould, 07786 027761, is no longer in service. Her email address is [email protected]
Wolseley Camping and Caravan Club: The landline telephone number advised for Don Vaughan, 07185 713150, is no longer in service.
Page 14
There are an additional 5 places in the Paddock at Willow Tree Farm, bringing the total available to 18 units.
Page 24
The Dates for The Alvis Rally to Harlyn Sands should read Aug 31st to Sep 21st, and not Sep 28th as published.
Page 42
Fish Meadow is at Upton Upon Severn and not Upton on Sour as published.
Page 59
The dates for the rally at Stourport Vintage Steam Fayre are July 12th to 14th, and not July 28th to 30th as published.
Page 66
The dates for the rally at Barnstones are Jan 17th to 19th and not Jan 6th to 8th as published.
Page 79
The start date for the May Day Rally at Riverside, Bridgenorth, is May 3rd and not May 5th as published.
Page 85
The dates for the rally at Newlands Meadow are Sep 13th to 15th and not Sep 6th to 8th as published.
Page 91
The first mobile number advised for Nikki Gould, 07786 027761, is no longer in service.
Page 107
The Bank account number for STCCC is 86253662 and not8623662 as published.
Page 114
The landline telephone number advised for Don Vaughan, 07185 713150, is no longer in service.
There may well be other errors, but, as yet, I have not been informed of such.
Kindest Regards
Dave Cairns
Publicity Officer


Lickhill Manor Rally 15.

We have had conformation off the site regarding price for 2024 Carnival Weekend. 


Carnival Weekend Prices

Weekend Rally Price:-

Elec Pitch £46.

Non- Elec £36. 


Rally Book Amendments


Club BACS Details missing in Book –

Please email:-

[email protected]

& they will be sent to you.


(page 79)

Date in Rally Book is wrong, it should read: –

Riverside Bridgnorth Rally , Fri 3rd May to 6th May


(page 85)

Date in Rally Book is wrong, it should read: –

Newlands Meadow Rally, Fri 13th Sept to 15thSept

Website & Facebook Event Dates are correct.


Also when you receive your rally books, please be aware that the quick reference rally chart at the back of the book is incorrect.




Rally Marshal’s still required for some of our rallies..


Rallies with no rally marshal’s 6 weeks before they are due to run will be cancelled, so please if you would like to book on please consider running the rally.


2024 Rally Program


Rallies still requiring Rally Marshals are: –

Rally 6- MAY 24th – 27th, EVESHAM RUGBY CLUB.
Rally 9 – JUNE 28th- 30th, MONKS BARN FARM.
Rally 13 – August 10th – 24th, SHIPHAY FARM-Holiday Rally.

If interested, please let one of the committee know or ask them for any advice.



    Rally Marshal Form:-
    Unfortunately until we have rally marshal in place we will not be taking any rally bookings.
    Please consider punting your name forward.
    Details Address
    2024 Rallies with no Rally Marshal's
    Club may Contact you by Post, E-Mail or Phone regarding any of the above details or issues with the above rally.
    Thanks LCCC


    We have finally donated the toys to a well deserved charity Home Start Wyre Forest Christmas gift appeal 2023. Thanks again Collette and Antony.
    We have finally donated the toys to a well deserved charity Home Start Wyre Forest Christmas gift appeal 2023. Thanks again Collette and Antony.
    Christmas Gifts for Underprivileged Children
    Collette & Anthony would like to say a big thank you to everyone who bid on the hand-made truck that was auctioned on LRCCC Christmas Rally this weekend.
    To the highest bidder.. Pete Shearwood £75 was raised.
    Also, two donations of £20 each from Mark Poolton & Chris Cash was contributed.
    Collette and Anthony have made it up to £150. They will now buy Christmas gifts for underprivileged children. Many thanks again and Merry Christmas 🎄
    End of Season Rally 2023
    I would like to say a big Thank you to all who attended LCCC End of Season Rally.
    We had two nights of fabulous entertainment, Friday was kicked off by Lisamarie Morrall then followed by Carla Yates on Saturday evening.

    Fantastic feedback from all members..

    Saturday afternoon we had a film afternoon for the children with drinks and popcorn,the craft table was a big hit and the children and adults loved the parachute.

    Adults enjoyed the Mulled wine and mince pies. It was great to see a full room of friends and families enjoying themselves, we truly are blessed with great people in our lives.

    On a personal note a big thank you for all of the committee for there hard work throughout the year, and last but not least to all members who have supported Longbridge over this year’s rally season, with out all your support our clubs wouldn’t be successful.
    John & Angela
    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas & New Year, look forward to seeing you all in Longbridge 2024 rally season.
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    Rally Marshal’s still required for some of our rallies..


    Rallies with no rally marshal’s 6 weeks before they are due to run will be cancelled, so please if you would like to book on please consider running the rally.


    2024 Rally Program


    Rallies still requiring Rally Marshals are: –

    Rally 6- MAY 24th – 27th, EVESHAM RUGBY CLUB.
    Rally 9 – JUNE 28th- 30th, MONKS BARN FARM.
    Rally 13 – August 10th – 24th, SHIPHAY FARM-Holiday Rally.

    If interested, please let one of the committee know or ask them for any advice.



    Logo pop up
    On a personal note a big thank you for all of the committee for there hard work throughout the year, and last but not least to all members who have supported Longbridge over this year’s rally season, with out all your support our clubs wouldn’t be successful.
    John & Angela
    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas & New Year, look forward to seeing you all in Longbridge 2024 rally season.

    End of Season Rally

    I would like to say a big Thank you to all who attended LCCC End of Season Rally.
    We had two nights of fabulous entertainment, Friday was kicked off by Lisamarie Morrall then followed by Carla Yates on Saturday evening.

    Fantastic feedback from all members..

    Saturday afternoon we had a film afternoon for the children with drinks and popcorn,the craft table was a big hit and the children and adults loved the parachute.

    Adults enjoyed the Mulled wine and mince pies. It was great to see a full room of friends and families enjoying themselves, we truly are blessed with great people in our lives.

    Renew Membership

    Renew your Longbridge CCC Membership
