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The Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club was started in 1969 with eleven dedicated campers and first met on the 14th November to form an official “Works Camping Club”. At the first meeting, a committee was elected, the Chairman being Frank Richards, Treasurer Les Crockett, Secretary Mo Richards and the Chief Camp Official Rex Hamilton – all of whom were employed by Austin Motor Company, Longbridge, which at the time was part of the larger British Motor Corporation (BMC). In the early days, it was hoped to call the club “The Austin Camping & Caravan Club”, but this was not possible and so we became “Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club”
Monthly meetings were held at the Rednal Social Club, until this no longer became available, when they were moved to the Dog & Pheasant at Bromsgrove. Eventually, meetings took place in the factory and continued to do so until the Longbridge plant closed in 2005. They now take place at the Austin Sports and Social Club in Longbridge. At the first of these meetings, the membership was set at 5/- (25p) per year. Today, the membership fee is £16.00 for the year, with an initial First year joining fee of £18.00 for new members. Initially, the club was for Longbridge employees, but eventually, non-employees were eligible to join, but had to be proposed by an employee. Before the plant closed, membership had become open with non-employees eligible to propose new members.
By May 1970, we had 82 members and £24.00 in club funds and the membership has continued to grow. In December 1970, a meeting took place between the Camping & Caravan Clubs of Fisher & Ludlow, Standard Triumph and Longbridge with the object of forming an Association of Clubs, thus, the British Leyland Camping and Caravan Association was born in 1971. (BMC had by now become “British Leyland”) It was agreed that once every year, member clubs would get together for the Association Rally where they would participate in sports and games with each club providing a trophy to be played for and held by the winning club for one year. The Association has now grown into 15 clubs with a Senior Citizens section and currently has over 2000 members. Longbridge CCC has 100 plus members at present.
Every 10 years, we hold a “Birthday Rally”, where we celebrate in style, having big celebrations for our Golden Anniversary, 30th, 40th and 50th birthday. Here’s looking forward to our 60th birthday in 2029.
Our club has always put on a good selection of rallies and for several years now, foreign holidays to France and Ireland have gone down well with the members.
Our members enjoy good times together on weekend rallies, Bank Holiday rallies and holiday rallies, so why not come along and join us; you will never make a better decision.

Association Rules:

Bingo on the Field

We’ve been advised by the BL Association that if we’re playing Bingo on a rally that we have to only allow over 18’s to play to ensure that we’re in line with the rules laid down by the Gaming Commission. So if you can work with us on this we’d appreciate it.
 DISTANCE BETWEEN CARAVANS – THE 20FT RULE The DOE has many rules and codes relating to the control of caravans in the countryside. The spacing of vans is only one element of these but is probably the most complicated area. The required distance between caravans/tents on a site is dependent on several factors, too numerous to list here. In order to keep these complications out of our hobby and make things easy for all concerned, by British Leyland Camping and Caravan Association introduced the 20ft rule, which encompasses all of the DOE requirements, whatever the circumstances. The same rule has been adopted by most other caravan clubs and it satisfies most insurance companies.



All members undertake on joining the Association to observe the following Association Code, which incorporates inter alia the ‘Camping and Caravan Code’ and the ‘Country Code’ when using Association Caravan and Camping sites (‘Sites’)

(a) Only caravans towed by members’ cars and camping equipment for use of Association members will be allowed on sites.
(b) Weekend rallies start at 5pm on the Friday unless arranged otherwise by the host club. This is for compliance with the BL Exemption Certificate and insurance conditions.
(c) The member’s current BL disc must be displayed on the towing vehicle’s windscreen.
(d) On arrival members must report to the appropriate site Marshals for pitching instructions.
(e) Caravans and tents must be pitched in positions indicated by site Marshals so as to allow not less than twenty feet minimum spacing between units. See 20ft Rule Guide. Pup tents (used by children) continue to be allowed to be placed alongside the parents caravan unit and should be considered as part of the unit for spacing purposes. Tents used as a member’s main unit (tent and vehicle) must not be randomly sited between caravans but must be placed either on the end of rows of caravans or in their own separate but adjacent rows.
(f) Sites must be kept clear of spare equipment and nothing other than wastewater and freshwater receptacles are to be stored under caravans or around tents. Freestanding gas cylinders (12kgmax) may be used but must be kept outside the caravan and secured to the A frame. Sites must be left clean and tidy on the striking of tents and the removal of caravans from sites.
(g) Properly constructed toilet tents may be erected on sites.
(h) Contents of chemical closets must not be disposed of except by emptying them at disposal points provided or in accordance with the instructions of Marshals. Chemical toilets must not be flushed out or filled at drinking water taps.
(i) To avoid possible damage to sewage purification works, members may only use formaldehyde based fluids; under no circumstances may coal tar phenol or caustic based fluids be used.
(j) Buckets or other suitable receptacles used for waste water must not be allowed to overflow and must be emptied at disposal points provided. No filter soak away waste water disposers are allowed.
(k) All waste paper and other solid refuse must be taken home or disposed of in accordance with on-site arrangements. The Marshals should be satisfied that appropriate arrangements are in place. Waste paper and other solid refuse must not be deposited in the chemical disposal pit.
(l) The Marshals should ensure that the site is clear of litter after the meeting.
(m) Fires must not be lit on the site without the permission of the Marshal.
(n) Members are always expected to act with consideration for others on the site and for neighbouring residents, in particular by driving slowly and avoiding loud radios and other music equipment, loud television sets, generators or any other noise at an hour when it would annoy others, normally accepted as 11pm. “No Smoking” or using of e-cigarettes, vape pens within any buildings. Local people should be able to carry on their normal activities when meetings are in progress, and disturbance should be minimised. Complaints should be treated seriously and steps taken to investigate and deal with the causes of complaints.
(o) Care should be taken not to damage the site or surrounding locality. Trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock should be respected.
(p) Domestic pets must be kept on leads not exceeding ten feet, when on the site, and Marshals are authorised to ask any animal owner to leave sites if their pets become a nuisance. All animals must be kept under proper control at all times, and any accidents cleaned up immediately.
(q) Speed of vehicles must not exceed 5 miles per hour on sites. This includes bicycles, etc.
(r) Authority for the conduct of sites is vested in Marshals and co-Marshals. Marshals will be furnished with a copy of site rules.
(s) No learner driver will be allowed to drive on any site.
(t) Bows and Arrows, Catapults, Metal Detectors and Firearms are not permitted on the rally field. Kite flying and ball games liable to cause damage must not be played in the immediate vicinity of caravans or tents. To ensure compliance with both child and data protection drone flying of any size is not permitted on or over the rally field.
(u) The use of children’s powered cars, trikes etc. is not allowed on the rally field, except where their use is as an aid to a disabled person.
(v) It is strongly recommended that club members’ caravans and tents are equipped with a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
(w) No naked lights or cooking stoves to be used in tents belonging to the Youth Section or child’s pup tent.
(x) Personal generators may be used at the discretion and ruling of individual clubs.
(y) Rally bookings will not be accepted before 15th January.
(z) Persons in breach of these rules will be reported by Marshals to the appropriate club committees and disciplinary action may be taken.
The Association will not accept liability for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property occupying any part of the site, however caused.

INSURANCE: All units MUST have a third-party liability policy as per association rules

Association Rules:

Bingo on the Field

We’ve been advised by the BL Association that if we’re playing Bingo on a rally that we have to only allow over 18’s to play to ensure that we’re in line with the rules laid down by the Gaming Commission. So if you can work with us on this we’d appreciate it.

Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club Rules:

Paying On site unfortunately we can only take cash on rallies if you want to pay by cheque; a cheque can be sent the week before the rally to the Rally Secretary. This is because for security we don’t carry a float on the field for obvious security reasons and a cash payment is required from you to ensure we have enough to pay the field owner. Thanks for your help on this matter.
ARRIVAL TIMES FOR WEEKEND RALLIES: All rallies will start at 5.00pm. If a rally is going to be open earlier it will be announced on the Facebook page and on the website. If units arrive before the allocated time they cannot pitch and must wait for a Rally Marshal to arrive, otherwise units may be asked to move.
Also, no Arrivals after 8.30 pm. (unless arranged with the rally marshals)
Rally Marshals decision is final.
To be sited together please arrive together.
Please be aware that early arrivals may be required to move or may be asked to site vans until the Marshall arrives.
 Rally slips, deposits and all payments should be sent to our Rally Secretary, cheques should be made payable to Longbridge Camping and Caravan Club (please don’t send cash through the post) We cannot take cheque payment on the rally field.  You can book on line if it’s easier for you, but all deposits must be sent to secure your booking. If a deposit is required your booking will not be confirmed until the deposit is received.
We have made every effort with the directions and the post codes, but it’s wise to check your own maps and sat-navs.
Full payment for Holiday rallies is required 6 weeks before the rally
It’s a Natural England requirement that anyone staying with you over the age of 18 must be a member of the one of the clubs in the Association – either a full unit or non-unit member. Please advise the Marshall if you do have overnight visitors as an additional charge will be required of £2.00 per person.
 DEPOSITS: Where deposits are required details will be included in the rally details. Deposits are non-Transferable & non-refundable and full balances may also be non-refundable, unless there extenuating circumstances..
 ADMINISTRATION COSTS: An admin cost has been added to some site fees, to help with the running of the club.
 LIMITED RALLIES: All rallies have a limit, so prior booking is required to ensure we can accommodate you, a quick call to the Rally Secretary will confirm if we have a space for you. Also if you can’t attend a rally again if you could call our Rally Secretary would be appreciated, in case there is waiting list.
ELECTRICS: Will be allocated on a first booked basis where possible…so get your bookings in early!
GENERATORS: Are only allowed on sites where the landowners have given their consent and no electric hook ups are available.  Generators can be used between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm however every effort must be made not to cause annoyance through noise and fumes. The Rally Marshall has the final decision and may ask you to turn the generator off if it’s annoying a fellow camper or local resident. In addition generators must not be left un-attended.
CHILDREN: Your children are your responsibility whilst on site, they should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times and should not be left alone on the rally field.
GAZEBOS: Please take them down at night to avoid you rescuing them in your PJ’s and causing damage
DOGS: Should be kept on a lead at all times, supervised by an adult and all waste matter should be picked up and disposed of in a responsible manner.
PENSIONER MEMBERSHIP – Members and their partners must over 65 and both fully retired, and also been Full Members of Longbridge CCC consecutive for past 5 years or more up until applicants date.
Makes you eligible for a £1.00 reduction in a weekend Rally costs, that doesn’t have Entertainment or Hall available, also not available on Holiday Rallies.
  • All members undertake on joining the Association when using Association Camping & Caravanning sites to observe the following Association Code which incorporates inter alia the “Camping & Caravan Code” and the “Country Code”
    1. Only caravans towed by member’s cars and camping equipment for the use of Association will be allowed on site. Cars must be parked on the left of the caravan (facing the A frame) where possible. Any member wishing to bring a second car/vehicle must park where directed by the marshal’s.
    2. On arrival, members must report to the appropriate site marshals for pitching instructions. One pitch may be saved on the day of arrival only
    3. Caravans and tents must be pitched in positions indicated by site marshals so as to allow no less than twenty feet minimum spacing between units as indicated in the current rally book.
    4. Sites must be kept clear of spare equipment and nothing other than waste water and fresh water receptacles, gas cylinders must not be stored under caravans or around tents. Sites must be left clean and tidy on the striking of tents and the removal of caravans from sites.
    5. Properly constructed toilet tents may be erected on sites.
    6. Contents of chemical toilets must not be disposed of except by emptying them at disposal points provided, or in accordance with the instructions of the marshals. Chemical toilets must not be flushed out or filled up at the drinking water tap.
    7. To avoid possible damage to sewage purification works, members may only use formaldehyde based fluids. Under NO circumstances may coal tar phenol or caustic based fluids be used.
    8. Buckets and other suitable receptacles used for waste water must not be allowed to overflow, and must be emptied at disposal points provided.
    9. All waste paper and other solid refuse must be deposited in receptacles provided for the purpose, but were not provided, must be taken home – not deposited in the chemical disposal pits.
    10. No Open fires on any sites.
    11. Members are always expected to act with consideration for others on site and for neighbouring residents, in particular, by driving slowly and avoiding loud music, television sets, computer type games, generators or other noises at an hour when it would annoy others.
    12. Domestic pets must be kept on leads not exceeding ten feet when on site and marshals are authorized to ask any animal owner to leave the site if their pets become a nuisance. All animals must be kept under proper control at all times. DOGS: Should be kept on a lead at all times, supervised by an adult and all waste matter should be picked up and disposed of in a responsible manner.
    13. Speed of vehicles must not exceed 5 miles per hour on sites.
    14. Authority of conduct of sites invested in marshals and co-marshals. Marshalls will be furnished with a copy of the site rules.
    15. The marshals will report persons in breach of these rules to the appropriate club committees and disciplinary action may be taken.
    16. The Association will not accept liability for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property occupying any part of the sites, however caused.
    17. No learner driver will be allowed to drive on any site.
    18. Bow and arrows, catapults, metal detectors and firearms are not permitted on the rally field. Kite flying, ball games, riding of cycles, radio controlled cars and other games liable to course damage must not be played in the immediate vicinity of caravans or tents.
    19. It is strongly recommended that club members’ caravans and tents are equipped with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
    20. No naked lights or cooking stoves to be used in tents belonging to the youth section.
    21. Pup tents are strictly for children under the age of 18 and must be pitched as directed by the marshals. Only pup tents up to 8ft X 6ft or two smaller ones are permitted, but these must be within the units pitch. (Subject to local site rules)
    22. Any visitors wishing to stay overnight must be a BLCCA member five days before start of the rally they wish to attend & must seek permission from the Rally Secretary prior to the commencement of the rally. A fee of £2.00 per night will be charged. Visitors must stay in member’s caravan/awning only. Any visitor 18 and over must be a full or non-unit member.
    23. Non-Unit Member: This is an individual membership. (Non-Unit membership is for anyone aged 18 and over wishing to stay overnight as part of a Full Members unit)
    24. They must not stay in their own unit without first upgrading to full membership.
    25. Non Unit Members are required to abide by the rules of the Club and Association.
    26. Membership cards must be carried at all times when attending rallies and a current BL sticker must be displayed in their car.
    27. Cars must be parked where directed by marshals.
    28. Any member allowing a person 18 and over who is not members to stay in their unit may be asked to leave the rally field and disciplinary action may be taken.
    29. REDUCED MEMBERSHIP – Members and their partners must over 65 and both fully retired, and also been Full Members of Longbridge CCC consecutive for past 5 years or more up until applicant’s date. Makes you eligible for a £1.00 reduction in a weekend Rally costs, that doesn’t have Entertainment or Hall available, also not available on Holiday Rallies.
    30. All gazebos must be taken down overnight, unless used for Club social events.
    31. Generators are only allowed on sites where the landowners have given their consent and no electric hook ups are available. Generators can be used between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm however every effort must be made not to cause annoyance through noise and fumes. The Rally Marshall has the final decision and may ask you to turn the generator off if it’s annoying a fellow camper or local resident. In addition generators must not be left un-attended.
    32. Cheques will not be accepted on the rally, payment must be in cash only on arrival. This is because for security we don’t carry a float on the field for obvious security reasons and a cash payment is required from you to ensure we have enough to pay the site owner.
    33. Where deposits are required details will be included in the rally details. Deposits are non-Transferable & non-refundable and full balances may also be non-refundable, unless there extenuating circumstances. ADMINISTRATION COSTS: An admin cost has been added to some site fees, to help with the running of the club.
    34. RALLIES – weekend rallies start at 5.00pm on Friday and end on date stated on rally. Holiday rallies (week long holidays) run Saturday to Saturdays. Full payment for Holiday rallies is required 6 weeks before the rally.
    35. Parents your children are your responsibility whilst on site, they should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times and should not be left alone on the rally field.

Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club

Privacy Policy

Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to the work of the Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club (LCCC). The policy sets out the requirements that LCCC must gather personal data for membership purposes. The policy details how personal data will be gathered, stored and managed in line with data protection principles and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis by LCCC Committee members to ensure that LCCC is compliant. This policy should be read in tandem with LCCC Privacy Notice.
Principles of the Data Protection Regulations.
Article 5 of the GDPR requires that personal data shall be:
  1. Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals
  2. Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposed, further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall not be considered to be incompatible with the initial purpose.
  3. Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which they are processed;
  4. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purpose for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay.
  5. Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by the GDPR in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the individuals; and
  6. Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.
Article 5(2) requires that:
“The controller shall be responsible for, and to demonstrate, compliance with the principles”
This policy exists to ensure that LCCC
  • Complies with data protection law and follows good practice
  • Protects the rights of members
  • Is open about and how it stores and processes member’s data
  • Protects itself form the risks of a data breach
Lawful, fair and transparent data processing.
LCCC requests personal information from potential members and members for the purpose of sending communications about their involvement with LCCC. LCCC have determined that the lawful basis for holding and processing data on members is Legitimate Interest and that LCCC is a Data Controller. LCCC have completed a Legitimate Interest Assessment to confirm that this is the lawful basis of processing that is the best fit for our purpose. The forms used to request personal information will contain a privacy notice informing potential members and members as to why the information is being requested and what the information will be used for. The Committee of LCCC will seek to ensure that personal information is not used inappropriately. Appropriate use of information provided by personal members will include:
  • Communicating with members about LCCC events, activities and rallies.
  • Sending members issues of the LCCC newsletter.
  • Communicating with members about their membership and / or renewal of their membership with LCCC.
  • Communicating with members about specific issues associated with their membership of LCCC.
Members of LCCC will only be asked to provide information that is relevant for membership purposes. This will include:
  • Name & Partner’s Name
  • Postal Address
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number
Accuracy of Data and Keeping data up to Date.
  • LCCC has responsibility to ensure members’ information is kept up to date. Members will be asked to let LCCC know if any of their personal information changes
Accountability and Governance.
  • The LCCC Committee is responsible for ensuring that LCCC remains compliant with data protection requirements and can evidence that it has. The LCCC Committee shall ensure that new members joining the Committee receive an induction into how data protection is managed within LCCC and the reasons for this. The Committee will review data protection and who has access to information on a regular basis as well as reviewing that data held.
Secure Storage and Processing.
LCCC has assessed that the data held on members by LCCC is readily available from many other sources and that therefore the harm that could be caused to any individual by loss or theft of the data as held by LCCC is very low.
The LCCC Committee members have a responsibility to ensure that data is both securely held and processed. In consideration of risk of harm to individuals caused by unauthorised or unlawful processing or by accidental losses being insignificant; the following will apply:
  • Only granting access of personal data of members to those on the Committee & Official Designates who need to communicate with members.
  • Access will be granted to rally marshals, when requested by rally marshals, for specific reasons relating to LCCC events, activities or rallies.
  • Using password protection on electronic devices that contain or access personal information.
  • Using password protection or secure cloud systems when sharing data between committee members.
  • Checks will be performed to validate the security regularly to ensure adherence. 
Privacy Notice
The Longbridge Camping & Caravan Club (LCCC) can be contacted by post to the Club Secretary, address can be found at or in the Rally Book. LCCC has a legitimate interest in using personal data you give to LCCC on this form for the purpose of communicating with you on matters relating to LCCC.
Your personal data will not be transferred to any other person or organisation and will be deleted from LCCC records one year after your membership of LCCC has terminated. You have the right to request from LCCC access to and rectification of your personal data. If you feel that your personal data has been misused you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.


BLCCA & Longbridge rules can be found in the front of your Rally Book, and can also be found on our website.

It is advisable to have a brief read through Rules to familiarize yourself.

    1. Longbridge offer one free marshal place for running a Longbridge rally.Rally Sheet, paperwork & any deposit for your rally will need to be collected.(Club treasurer will advise on how the site will be paid, BACS, CASH or CLUB CHEQUE)
      1. Contact committee member to collect any equipment needed:
      • Flag / Banner (Flag/Banner must be displayed on rally).
      • Direction Signs.
      • Disco equipment if required.
      1. Please post on Facebook agreed arrival times for members.
      1. When units arrive on site you will need to collect outstanding balance from each member attending the rally.Also check that they have a current BL sticker on display in their car window. If in doubt ask for proof of membership i.e. rally book. (This is members proof of membership)
      1. Cheques cannot be accepted on the rally field, strictly CASH ONLY. 
      1. If electric hook up is available it is to be given to units that have booked it and not to units arriving first. The only exception is for people with a medical condition that need electric hook up.
      1. All caravans are to be spaced 20ft/6m apart (there should be a rope in the club bag with the signs) please note that tents and trailer tents need to be sited at the end of a row. 
      1. Generators are allowed to be used for medical reasons, otherwise please only use between the hours of 11.00am – 6.00pm. Generators are only allowed at the land owner’s discretion so if unsure please check. They must be supervised by the unit owner and not left unattended.
      1. Pup tents can only be used by children aged 17 and under. Pup Tents must be no larger than 6’ x 8’ with a minimal porch. Any person aged 18 and over, sleeping in their own tent is classed as a unit. They must therefore be full members and pay the additional rally fee.
      1. All non-unit members (extra adults above the standard 2) staying in the caravan or awning are charged the rate shown in the rally book. (Entertainment Rallies incur an addition cost)
      1. To become a member this will need to be done through the club’s membership secretary, rally marshals cannot accept membership without speaking to the membership secretary first.
      1. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and it must be no longer than 10ft (approx. 3m). Any dog mess must be cleaned up immediately.
      1. Once all members are on site please complete the balance sheet as soon as possible including any income from Win your Fees Back etc.
      1. Pay site inline with the treasures request. (CASH, CLUB CHEQUE or Treasurer will do a BACS)
      1. Rally sheet, balance sheet and any receipts should be returned to a committee member at the earliest possible convenience
      1. Please collect in any signs and equipment and arrange for them to be forwarded to next marshal or returned to a committee member at the earliest possible convenience. If there is any damage to signs or problems with any of the equipment, please point this out when returning.
      1. It is an Association rule that any noise must stop at 11.00pm, irrespective of the venue license. (This is BLCCA Rule)
      1. Rally Marshals are not obliged to provide any entertainment/quiz etc. if they do not want to. It is down to personal choice.
Any problems please get in touch with a committee member as soon as possible.
Chair – John Burt – 07793 556526
Secretary – Di Brookes – 07703 835921
Membership – Adam Bloomfield – 07891 091172
Treasurer & Bookings – Collette Hill – 07535 432994
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